Prepare for your trip
We are located at an elevation of 1800 meters (5,900 feet) of elevation on the Eastern slope of the Andes. All of the hot wet air from the Amazon region comes smashing into our little town. As the air cools it loses its ability to hold moisture, thus causing the area to receive mega rain. We’re talking 3-5 meters (9 -16 feet) of rain per year. We say that in the wet season (May to August) it rains all day every day, and in the dry season, it rains every day. Expect rain and cool temperatures no matter what time of year you come.
The best way to prepare for the weather here is to dress in non- cotton layers with waterproof rain gear. Then repeat to yourself 3 times, “I love the rain!” The rain is a feature of the area, not a bug, it’s what makes our home so lush and so diverse. Think of it as a spa day, but less expensive.
Sometimes, we bask in the glory of the sunshine, but with caution. We are at high elevation, right on the equator, fair-skinned people will burn. Take precautions.
We love to laugh and have a great time, but we do take food allergies seriously. Please let us know at the time of reservation any dietary restrictions you have and clarify if it is an allergy, sensitivity or a preference.